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A walk in the woods, a stroll through a garden, a drive through the countryside is the beginning and inspiration for each painting. I am a landscape, flora and fauna artist, painting in oils. I have 21 years of experience and satisfied customers. I have been represented by numerous galleries and juried shows in the United States and Italy.

Hello, I'm a realism painter, working in a classic style, with over 40 years experience. I have art in homes, large non-profits, and organizations. I'm motivated to create art for people to live with and be inspired by, on a daily basis. I have reels online; take a peek behind the curtain! Let me create a piece of art for you, to enhance your life.

I have been painting for many years, primarily animals; pets and wildlife. Some years ago I was hit with an illness that left me unable to walk, speak or coordinate my hands. Making myself work to get back into painting has been very therapeutic in my recovery and I am now enjoying painting almost every day again...